@if(isset($mailDetails) && is_array($mailDetails) ) @if( $mailDetails['email_type'] == "USER_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT" )

Hi {{ $mailDetails['var_greeting_name']??'' }},

A new ID document was uploaded by the user below.

Access the portal to complete the user's ID verification.

Name: {{ $mailDetails['user_full_name']??'' }}

Email: {{ $mailDetails['user_email']??'' }}

Phone Number: {{ $mailDetails['user_phone_number']??'' }}

Country: {{ $mailDetails['user_country']??'' }}


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif( $mailDetails['email_type'] == "USER_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_AUTO" )

Hi {{ $mailDetails['var_greeting_name']??'' }},

A new ID document was uploaded by the user below.

Access the SkaleTek portal to complete the user's ID verification.

Name: {{ $mailDetails['user_full_name']??'' }}

Email: {{ $mailDetails['user_email']??'' }}

Phone Number: {{ $mailDetails['user_phone_number']??'' }}

Country: {{ $mailDetails['user_country']??'' }}


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "USER_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_KYC_PASSED" )

Hi {{ $mailDetails['var_greeting_name']??'' }},

KYC verification for user :

Name: {{ $mailDetails['user_full_name']??'' }}

Email: {{ $mailDetails['user_email']??'' }}

Phone Number: {{ $mailDetails['user_phone_number']??'' }}

Country: {{ $mailDetails['user_country']??'' }}

has been successfully completed.

Please proceed with verification and account activation.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "ORANGE_SMS_UNIT_EMAIL")

Hi Admin,

This is just to inform you that we have less than {{ $mailDetails['availableUnit'] }} units available for the Orange SMS. Please do the needful.

Available Unit is : {{ $mailDetails['availableUnit'] }}


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "ORANGE_SMS_ERROR_EMAIL")

Hi Admin,

This is just to inform you that we found an error while checking the available units for the orange sms.

Error is : {{ $mailDetails['error'] }}

Please check the logs for more details.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "MINIMUM_BALANCE_THRESHOLD")



The remaining balance is below the minimum threshold.

Please add funds urgently.


Account : {{ $mailDetails['company_code'] }}

Remaining Balance : {{ number_format($mailDetails['balance'], 2).' '.$mailDetails['currency'] }}


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "MINIMUM_PARTNER_BALANCE_THRESHOLD")

Hello{{(isset($mailDetails['partner_name']) ? " ".$mailDetails['partner_name'] : "")}},

Your remaining balance is : {{ number_format($mailDetails['balance'], 2).' '.$mailDetails['currency'] }}

Please add funds to avoid service disruption.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "NEW_PARTNER_REGISTERED")

Hello {{ $mailDetails['name'] }},


We are delighted to have you as a partner with us. Your account has been created with us.

Please find your account details below.


Partner ID : {{ $mailDetails['partner_id'] }}

Password : {{ $mailDetails['password'] }}

Account Number : {{ $mailDetails['account_number'] }}

Balance : {{ number_format($mailDetails['balance'], 2).' '.$mailDetails['currency'] }}


You should keep this information confidential and must be used to access our BnB Payment Services.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "PARTNER_PASSWORD_REGENERATED")

Hello {{ $mailDetails['name'] }},


Your account password has been reset. Please find the updated details below.


Partner ID : {{ $mailDetails['partner_id'] }}

Password : {{ $mailDetails['password'] }}


@if(isset($mailDetails['type']) && $mailDetails['type'] == "PORTAL_PASSWORD")

You can use this new password to access our BnB Partner Portal.


You must use this new password to access our BnB Payment Services.



@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "SENDING_PARTNER_PASSWORD_REGENERATED")

Hello {{ $mailDetails['name'] }},


@if($mailDetails['sending_method'] == config('constants.SENDING_PARTNER_SENDIND_METHOD.DISBURSEMENT'))

Your BnB Disbursement account password has been reset. Please find the updated details below.


Your BnB Partner account password has been reset. Please find the updated details below.



Email Address : {{ $mailDetails['email'] }}

Password : {{ $mailDetails['password'] }}


@if($mailDetails['sending_method'] == config('constants.SENDING_PARTNER_SENDIND_METHOD.DISBURSEMENT'))

You must use this new password to access our BnB Disbursement Platform.


You must use this new password to access our BnB Partner Portal.



@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "PAYING_PARTNER_PASSWORD_REGENERATED")

Hello {{ $mailDetails['name'] }},


Paying partner account password has been reset. Please find the updated details below.


Paying Partner : {{ $mailDetails['name'] }}

Username : {{ $mailDetails['username'] }}

Password : {{ $mailDetails['password'] }}


Use this link to log in to the portal.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "PARTNER_TXN_REPORT")



Please find the transaction report for {{$mailDetails['startTime']}} to {{$mailDetails['endTime']}}


Please find the transaction report for {{$mailDetails['startTime']}}



@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif($mailDetails['email_type'] == "MTN_FOREX_ALERT_EMAIL")


Please find the MTN Liberia forex monitoring alert.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif($mailDetails['email_type'] == "MTN_FOREX_SUMMARY_REPORT_EMAIL")


Please find the Summary Report of MTN Liberia forex transactions.

Date : {{$mailDetails['date']}}


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif($mailDetails['email_type'] == "OM_LBR_FOREX_SUMMARY_REPORT_EMAIL")


Please find the Summary Report of Orange Liberia forex transactions.

Date : {{$mailDetails['date']}}

USD ending Balance : {{number_format($mailDetails['availableBalanceUSD'], 2)}}

LRD ending Balance : {{number_format($mailDetails['availableBalanceLRD'], 2)}}

USD to LRD Transaction Details :

LRD to USD Transaction Details :


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif($mailDetails['email_type'] == "MTN_FOREX_FAILED_DISBURSEMENT_ALERT_EMAIL")


Here is the detail of the failed disbursement of the MTN Liberia forex transaction.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif($mailDetails['email_type'] == "OM_LBR_FOREX_FAILED_DISBURSEMENT_ALERT_EMAIL")


Here is the detail of the failed disbursement of the Orange Liberia forex transaction.


@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif($mailDetails['email_type'] == "CP_TXN_STATUS_UPDATE_FAILURE_EMAIL")


Here is the detail of the getting failure while updating the status of this transaction.

Please check and do the needful.

@include('emails.partials.signature') @elseif ($mailDetails['email_type'] == "SEND_MAIL_TO_CSR_FOR_ON_HOLD_SMT")



A new send money transaction has been submitted and it is on hold.

Reference number: {{ $mailDetails['referenceNo']??'' }}

Reason: {{ @$mailDetails['reason']??'' }}

Sender name: {{ $mailDetails['senderName']??'' }}

Beneficiary name: {{ $mailDetails['bnfName']??'' }}

Destination country: {{ $mailDetails['destination_country']??'' }}

Sending Amount: {{ number_format(floatval($mailDetails['sending_amount']), 2)??'' }} {{ $mailDetails['sending_currency']??'' }}

Receiving Amount: {{ number_format(floatval($mailDetails['receiving_amount']), 2)??'' }} {{ $mailDetails['receiving_currency']??'' }}

Sending Fees: {{ number_format(floatval($mailDetails['sending_fees']), 2)??'' }} {{ $mailDetails['sending_currency']??'' }}

Exchange rate: {{ number_format(floatval($mailDetails['exchange_rate']), 2)??'' }}

Total Amount: {{ number_format(floatval($mailDetails['net_amount']), 2)??'' }} {{ $mailDetails['sending_currency']??'' }}

Delivery Method: {{ $mailDetails['receiving_option_method']??'' }}

@if(isset($mailDetails['receiving_option_code']) && $mailDetails['receiving_option_code'] == "MW")

Mobile Wallet number: {{ $mailDetails['mobile_wallet_number']??'' }}

@endif @if(isset($mailDetails['receiving_option_code']) && $mailDetails['receiving_option_code'] == "BD")

Bank Account number: {{ $mailDetails['bank_account_number']??'' }}



@include('emails.partials.signature') @else @endif @endif